Testimonial 3

“If I had to sum up my experience with Ola as a mentor, it would be in one simple word- CLARITY. Ola not only offered a clear sense of her purpose during our interactions, she also steered me to achieve clarity with my creative endeavors. And once I became clear on my vision, my thoughts and ideas came into sharp focus. Therefore, rather than ‘Feel’, I was able to See my way. There’s the saying, “If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there” I can honestly say that Ola is akin to that much needed compass that helped me get my bearings. As a creative, I would often find myself, drowning in the overflow of creative juices; which led to me being overwhelmed and unmotivated to push forward. However, Ola helped me to sort through my channels of creative expressions, allowing me to focus on my vision, and work diligently towards reaching my goals.”


Ola Muhammedtwo