The value of Black is more precious than Gold

I deliberately launched my book on February 29th: a day that intersects between Black History Month & Women's History Month---Long before the traumatizing murder of George Floyd. 

But way before February 29th, there was an initiative dear to my heart that was prompted last year after watching the true story of what happened to The Central Park 5, When They See Us, directed by Ava Duvernay. 

I can no longer sit on the sidelines, hoping and praying that my son or husband will not be subjected to the same bias or worse—get killed merely because of the color of their skin. 

I had intended to launch this initiative later on in my life, but the murder of Mr. Floyd accelerated my plan to take action NOW. 

So, here's my plan—proceeds from the T-shirts you ORDER will go to an initiative I've founded called Onyx Boys. 

This initiative will become a foundation. My goal is to support Black and Brown males in the United States interested in going into law enforcement or policy changing roles, as there is where I see how BIPOC can disrupt the generational virus of racism in this country and beyond. 

Please buy these Tees and show your support for exceptional Black-owned businesses like mine and also towards helping Black & Brown males in the U.S thrive 🖤 

You can also make donations to Onyx Boys below. 

And of course, I'm offering a combo deal—pair these Tees with an autographed copy of my book, Get your foot off my neck and save. Thanks again - OMM